An Invitation from the Director

 (Originally Published Monday, November 14, 2022)

This past spring, our Board of Directors came together to discuss our Mission and Vision Statements and discussed our values (listed below). These are the things we hold firmly that dictate how we move through the world and the things that really help us live our mission. These judgments on what is important to us shape how we see the world and show us how we get there. As we are looking ahead to celebrating 40 years next year (!!!), we would invite you to ponder the values written below and to share your own values with us, the stories they shape, and the meaning they create in your life. These words spur us to action, they help us live our faith, and they appear in our day-to-day lives. As a new Director here at Peace Connections’, I feel woefully inadequate to share the story and history of Peace Connections as I haven’t lived it. I would love to hear your stories, how you have engaged with this organization, what connection and social capital mean to you, and what you might dream about in the future. I invite you to share your vision for a beloved community and your stories, either through our website (, email (, phone (316-284-0000), or social media. Thank you in advance for sharing the ways you are building a stronger community, and we look forward to celebrating 40 years with you!

Mission- seeking to inspire transformation in people and systems by building resources, relationships, and resilience.

Vision- A thriving community sustained by peace and social justice


Community- a group of friends, family, or neighbors who are there for us when we need love, support, and encouragement and to whom we can be there in return.

Relationship- connecting people and concepts to create opportunity, build support, and break down barriers

Social Justice- everyone deserves and should have access to equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities.

Equity- recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and adjusting to create opportunity

Potential- seeing and encouraging the capacity for a better future in everyone we work alongside.

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